When I’m No More

When I’m No More


I feel the ants

crawling along my skin,

biting away at my flesh.

I feel the restlessness

sitting beneath the base of my tongue,

filling my mouth with emptiness.

I hear the clanging

inside my brain,

the warning bells,

the need for change.

I sense the fluttering

within my belly,

the weight of the lead,

the gravity of the hole.

I am taken over by

the storm brewing

like an ache in my chest,

spreading along my veins,

as tension builds

in the cavities of my body.

I vibrate

with the echoes, of a distant beating

skirting across

my tightening edges.

I feel all this,

and more

like I’m on the verge of exploding,

showering, into a pretty rain

of softly falling lightning sparks

but when the electricity fades

and the embers die,

all that will be left

is the coldness,

the blackening skies

and the heavy weight

of a cavern,

that is my silence.

– When I’m No More.

Inspired by this post by @sparkandashes


Foto giornodopogiorno.org